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HomeBlogUncategorizedHave You Heard Of Adaptive Camping?

Have You Heard Of Adaptive Camping?

Many Australians look forward to camping as an opportunity to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life, finding joy in the simplicity of lying peacefully in a tent and breathing in the fresh air. For those dealing with mobility issues, however, the idea of camping can seem overwhelming and impractical.

Adaptive camping has emerged as a solution, ensuring that people with mobility challenges can still partake in the joy of the great outdoors. With a bit of outside-the-box thinking, adaptive camping opens new possibilities for those who might otherwise feel excluded from outdoor activities.

Tips for adaptive camping

#1 Thorough campsite research

Before leaving for your camping trip, conduct comprehensive research on potential campsites. While there’s an array of items you can bring to enhance comfort, it’s important to pinpoint campsites that align with your specific accessibility needs and preferences. Look for places that offer accessible amenities and terrain suitable for adaptive camping.

#2 Look for an all-terrain wheelchair

Consider investing in the Action Trackchair, recognised as the premier 4×4 wheelchair designed for conquering a variety of terrains. Distinguished by its patented design and exceptional functionality, including an electric tilt mechanism, this wheelchair ensures users maintain a level position while navigating hills, rocky paths, and uneven surfaces. It’s the perfect wheelchair for anyone with an adventurous spirit.

#3 Pack for comfort

Prepare for your camping stay by packing specialised gear to make the experience as seamless as possible. Include accessible sleeping bags, tents designed with wheelchair users in mind, portable ramps for easier navigation, and adjustable camping tables. When selecting a tent, prioritise features like spacious interiors, wheelchair-accessible entry points, waterproof flooring, and durable materials to withstand diverse weather conditions.

#4 Pre-trip equipment check

Before venturing to your chosen campsite, conduct a thorough check of your all-terrain wheelchair and camping gear. Ensure that everything is in optimal working condition to minimise the risk of unexpected issues during your camping adventure.

#5 Prioritise safety measures

Make safety a top priority by always keeping a well-equipped first aid kit within easy reach. Don’t forget to communicate your medical needs with everyone camping with you so that everyone knows what to do in case of an emergency. There’s no such thing as being too prepared when it comes to safety.

Adaptive camping is rooted in inclusivity, providing an opportunity for individuals with mobility challenges to enjoy the outdoors alongside family and friends. With enough planning and the right gear, there’s no reason wheelchair users can’t enjoy a weekend of camping along with everyone else.

The Action Trackchair is the ultimate offroad 4×4 wheelchair for Australian conditions with a range of benefits for the user. The biggest benefit is by far the positive it has on the user’s mental wellbeing. It promotes socialness, movement, and a greater feeling of freedom. So, whether you’re exploring the outdoors, connecting with others, or enjoying the simple pleasure of moving around, the Action Trackchair is more than a mobility aid – it’s your key to more freedom.

Changing LIVES

Changing the lives of thousands of individuals

The Action Trackchair is patented for its design and functionality, with features unmatched on any other tracked or all-terrain wheelchair. The electric tilt mechanism allows the user to easily stay level in their Trackchair while traversing hills and uneven terrain.

Swing-up arms, adjustable footrests, accessory receivers surrounding the chair, 3 models, dozens of colour combinations, and many more options allow the customer to create a Trackchair that meets their needs.


Have any questions?

Get in touch with us to today and we can assist you with your enquiry.


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Contact Information

KCF Disability Engineering

Address: 1/12 Robart Court, Narangba, QLD 4504

Phone: 07 3203 0604
Email: [email protected]

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Patent US# 8,789,628, US# 9,289,338 and CA# 2,708,985

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